He became an inventor - luckily!

Trine Bache Hoppe

Freelance Journalist


He could not find a way to educate himself as an inventor, so when Sven Olav Sjeggestad had to decide on a career, he became an electrician. That's something everyone in need of lamps and chargers, as well as electricians and others, can be grateful for!


Q-Light AS offers a wide range of products in both lighting and EV charging infrastructure. The products are diverse but share common qualities: they are user-friendly, durable, meet multiple needs, and comply with all regulatory requirements. Additionally, they are designed for easy installation, all thanks to ingenuity of Sven Olav Sjeggestad.

Sven Olav Sjeggestad, a native southerner, serves as a product developer at Q-Light AS. He is also a co-owner and played a key role in establishing the company.

Like a real-life fairytale


- You come from and live in Kristiansand, and work at Q-Light, right?
- Yes.
- Is it true that you've designed and engineered all the products in the ONEPOLE series and the other products for Q-Light?
- Yes.
- What on earth does it take to do something like that?
- First and foremost, a vivid imagination, Sjeggestad responds with a smile.

Then the man begins to tell his story, as only people from the south can:
- Since I was little, I've had a dream of becoming an inventor. But where do you begin? To invent something, there must be a need, and there's no school that can take you there. I educated myself as an electrician, Group L, with technical college. Later, I was a co-owner of an installation company where I also worked. I served as a project manager for 7 years, he begins.



Internally, the product developer is known as "Sjeggis." Sven Olav Sjeggestad conceives and designs all the solutions the company has developed. The man is a product genius, particularly when it comes to practical solutions.

The Practitioner Strikes


Q-Light AS was established by chance. The founders began importing products from a renowned factory, and it grew from there. They saw unmet needs in the market and the need for products that were easier to produce. That's when they started creating products based on customer preferences and their own electrical experience. Several key people at Q-Light have an electrical background, which is a clear advantage. They know, for example, how products should be designed to appeal to electricians and meet necessary regulatory requirements.


- Many expensive designer products are shaped by people with no practical experience. I've been out there, turning screws, and I've also had responsibilities in an installation company. It's crucial that the products are easy to install, especially when you must install many. Otherwise, a lot of time can be wasted, emphasizes the product developer.

Fulfilling Childhood Dreams


- Where on earth do you get all these ideas from? You must have a remarkable ability to be inspired.
- I find it to be so much fun. I have a vivid imagination and want to create something that stands out, something more interesting than other products, the man from the south replies.


The man is active both at work and in his spare time. He's the type of person who walks around, observes, and learns as soon as the opportunity arises. He notices a lot by looking at roofs, lights, lamp posts, and charging stations both at home and abroad. If he discovers something new or a good solution, he remembers it. If he sees something that could be improved, it's not a long journey from idea to reality.

- Your childhood dream was to become an inventor. Now you are.
- Yes, through my education and experience, I've succeeded in that at Q-Light. I'm grateful for it, he replies softly.


Ambitious Goals

In addition to the joy of creating something new, the product developer has another strong motivation. Sven Olav Sjeggestad and his colleagues have a motto: they don't want to say no initially. If a customer needs something, they aim to solve the challenge.

- Some say no, unfortunately, we don't have that. Our basic attitude is that if we don't have it, we'll make it.
- But isn't manufacturing in Norway expensive?
- No, it's not. Products that require a lot of human effort may be more costly here. But products primarily produced by machines can be made at a reasonable price domestically. Additionally, achieving the desired quality in Norway is less challenging, explains Sven Olav.


Local and Flexible Production

Running a business and a shop requires more than just good ideas and high ambition, and Sjeggestad is not alone in his success.

- My co-founder comes from the oil industry. He has experience in organizational management and is skilled in running and managing employees. I'm a product guy; we complement each other very well.

Another advantage is good logistics. Q-Light's office is in Kristiansand, where Sjeggestad, among others, comes up with ideas. The mechanical workshop, where the products are manufactured, is three kilometers away from our new building. From there, the products go to the powder coating workshop, which is four kilometers closer to the office. Then they return for assembly and potential packaging. For both the company and, more importantly, the customers, having the entire value chain locally is significant. They can turn things around quickly and develop new products much faster than most. It's also easier to follow up on production and maintain quality when it's so close.


It's About Joy

Sven Olav Sjeggestad, who grew up dreaming of becoming an inventor and worked in the electrical industry for many years before becoming one, maintains close contact with his industry. Along the way, it's evident that he also spends a lot of time following up with customers and engaging in close dialogue with them.

- I love electronics and believe that there's a danger in distancing yourself from where you come from. I spend a lot of time researching online and keeping an eye on emerging products in many industries. One of the keys to success is probably that you care about what you're doing. If your job is just a place to go to, you won't achieve much in the long run.
- Is this the case for the others in the company?
- Yes, I definitely believe it is. This joy at work runs through all levels, from ideation, through production, to sales and follow-up. People enjoy their jobs.


More to Come

- So, what are you up to today?
- After this conversation, I have a meeting with a patent agency to explore the possibilities of patenting a new product. We protect our patents and designs to prevent others from copying us. So, we are vigilant about securing our rights.
- And you won't tell us what kind of product you're thinking of?
- No, absolutely not! But it's a product that can be used throughout Europe, related to charging stations.
- But such products already exist.
- Yes, but this one is much more sustainable compared to what's currently on the market. That's what we're fundamentally focused on. Additionally, the logistics aspect is much more pleasant with this," the southerner replies with another smile.
- How often do you actually come up with new things?
- We release a new product every week.
- So, customers and installers can look forward to more news?
- Yes, absolutely. Stay tuned!

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